Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wishing you Bluebirds!

Hello! It all started when my oldest daughter was six years old-- i bought her a little book called "Wishing you Bluebirds." The when we moved into the house we are in now.. we had an old birdhouse out back and to our surprise-- it belonged to a bluebird family! What a nice surprise to see them and watch them everyday. I would feed them with meal worms from the pet store and the father was very gracious as he had young ones inside the house that were very hungry! They ended up having three females which have stayed here but have not nested yet... we need some male bluebirds! Anyway, this year we bought a new house and hopefully we will have a new family... crossing my fingers. I just love them! When I started needle felting ...of course, you always incorporate something you love into your work so my signature work is definitely bluebirds! Bluebirds- Felted Folksie Style. The picture of the real bluebird is the father keeping watch and perched very close to the house inspecting. The other picture is of my lastest Bella Bluebird Felted Folksie.. she is a wee tiny little bluebird-- standing in her little tiny wooden painted pot decorated with antique rick-rack and an antique cabbage rose. Isn't she darling? Bella with the pot measures a tiny 2 3/4 inches tall. If you are interested in her, she is being offered for sale on my etsy shop-- http://www.lindasgoodies.etsy.com

Hope you have enjoyed my story of how much we love bluebirds and how they became my signature work!

And how much we love them! I will let everyone know if anyone moves in :) Folksie linda

Monday, May 28, 2007

I've been tagged!!

Well, I have been tagged by Aleta Breese of The Silly Bear so I have to name seven of my most favorite foods which I don't think I will have a problem because I just love food! Okay, here goes:

1. Gorgonzola cheese (imported) on Salad or on grilled bread

2. Steak-- anykind, ribeye, filet mignon, strip steak, as long as it is nicely grilled to medium well.. I am happy and a bottle of A1 of course!

3. Caramel Apple dipped in nuts or a chocolate covered caramel apple dipped in nuts...yummy!

4. A Loaded Baked Potato

5. I don't know if this counts but I love my tea... have never had a cup of coffee... i love tea, anykind, black, english breakfast, earl gray, chamomile, and apple cinnamon mostly!

6. True Mexican Food... I can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day and I will not get sick of it.. i love it too much!

7. Gingerbread...whether it be cake or cookies--is fine with me!
Oh and by the way, If you haven't been tagged by her... you have now-- so you need to list seven things that you love the most-- it can be food or items.. choose only one :)
Felted Hugs, Folksie Linda

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Pillow Obsession

Well does this mean I am obsessive compulsive too? You are not alone Aleta! And everyone else... you probably think I am crazy.....where are those pillows! Felted Hugs, Folksie Linda

Friday, May 25, 2007

Miss Teddy Beary

It's almost Strawberry Picking Time!! My newest Felted Folksie is Miss Teddy Beary! Don't tell her she is part fruit though... but she is a fruitie cutie! Miss Teddy Beary is 2 1/2 inches tall, has a cute little wool felt hat i made her and she is listed on ebay... under primlinda999

Hope you enjoy seeing her! Felted Hugs, Folksie Linda

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Keeping the Wool Warm!

Well, I don't have to worry about my wool being kept warm as you can see from the picture! Do you think I have enough of it? Well, Pinky sure likes it... it is soft, cuddley and warm! Don't bother Pinky when she is in my wool basket! I had to cover my wool with a towel. Do you think it is the towel or the wool that Pinky likes? Let me know what you think! Hugs, Folksie Linda

Monday, May 21, 2007

What a wonderful Surprise!!!

Hello Today I received a very special surprise in the mail! It was a present made by Aleta Breese of My Silly Bear for guessing a question game on her blog which was quite fun! I was very surprised to get such a lovely handmade gift from such a terrific friend! Aleta also sent a lovely letter to accompany it.. a handmade strawberry filled with lavender ...so pretty and so nice to do! Thank you Aleta... you made my day today!! Hugs, Linda

Thursday, May 17, 2007


hello everyone! This is my latest little kawaii kritter-- called Mizutama which means polkadot!

I hope you like her! Yes she is a bit different! A little shy too! She is for a swap-- how much fun is that! Well hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying something special!! Blog more soon! Felted Hugs, Folksie Linda

Monday, May 14, 2007

Enjoying the Lilacs!

Hello well today is a day for me to relax and enjoy the lilacs! Oh how i wished they lasted so much longer.... they smell so pretty! I have three trees of them in my yard. I wish we could box up spring when the lilacs come out and save it! It is my favorite time of the year! Hope everyone is having a good day! Hugs, Linda

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Hello Well it is Mother's Day today and so there will be no work, no dishes, only relaxation ( I hope) ... my daughter and I are going out to lunch and I am looking forward to it. It will be alot of fun... we like to go to Cracker Barrel ... not only great food but a great gift shop to browse too. Hope everyone has a great Mother's day today if you are a Mother of course! And that can be true of frogs, turtles, hamsters, dogs, cats or whatever else you can think of! Talk soon
Felted Hugs, Folksie Linda

Friday, May 11, 2007

Felting away for The Land of Make Believe

Well, I have finally finished my latest update- The Land of Make Believe! I had so much fun creating all the little miniatures that will be in my Folksies Land of Make Believe. It is my most favorite stories... this one in general is Mother Goose Characters. I also love the Brothers Grimm.... hmmm... maybe that will be my next one or in the future sometime. It was alot of work... my hands and fingers are sore and achy! But I just love to needle felt... it is so much fun to create something sculpturing it with your own ideas and your own hands. This update will be on my website on Mother's Day! Yes special indeed! Well, I think I will take a short break and do something else for a couple of days.. rest for one! If you like the Land of Make Believe -- make sure you check out my miniature sculptures at www.originalfeltedfolksies.com
Until then, have a wonderful weekend and Happy Mother's day too! Felted Hugs, Folksie Linda